There you go…HEALTHY TWIX!!

Who doesn’t like Twix? Here is a healthy version, gluten free, refined sugar free, dairy free and low carb! Is that even possible??

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I made the cookie layer with almond flour and protein powder, the caramel layer with toasted coconut butter and then I covered these amazing bars with dark chocolate…delicious!!

So these healthy twix are gluten free, refined sugar free, dairy free and have extra protein!!!

They are a great option for those days you need some extra sweetness in your day. The perfect morning snack, GUILT FREE.

Of course, always take into consideration that just because we make them with healthier ingredients, doesn’t mean they’re “healthy” if you’ve eaten all of them!! You should still enjoy them in moderation, ALWAYS.

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Yet again, for these bars, take into account the sugar content mostly depends on how much chocolate you use to cover the bars. You could do half of them fully covered and the other half just swirl a little on top like you see on the image below. Like this, depending on your blood sugar you chose one or the other.

I hope you adore these as much as I do!

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Cookie base:
▪️1 cup almond flour
▪️1 cup vanilla protein powder
* Add sweetener of choice if your protein doesn’t have any
▪️1/4 teaspoon pink Himalayan salt
▪️1/4 cup melted coconut oil
▪️1 organic egg (optional)
Caramel layer:
▪️Toasted coconut butter (click to check the recipe, very easy and quick to make your own!!)
Chocolate cover:
▪️1 bar of 3.5oz/100gr dark chocolate 80%


▫️Pre-heat oven at 350F/175C.
▫️In a bowl, combine the almond flour with the vanilla protein powder and salt. Set aside.
▫️Beat the egg with the coconut oil. The egg can be optional if you don’t want to use the oven or if you don’t want the cookie layer to be as crunchy. Mix it with the dry ingredients from the step before until it becomes a dough.
▫️Press the dough evenly with a spatula on the base of a 9inch/22cm rectangle mold with parchment paper.
▫️Bake for 8 minutes and let it cool at room temperature. (If not using egg, refrigerate for 5 minutes instead of baking).
▫️If your coconut butter has hardened, melt it a little bit and spread over the cookie layer. Refrigerate while you melt the dark chocolate.
▫️Once the cookie base with coconut is harden, cut into thin slices, about 1 inch approximately. Melt the dark chocolate and cover the bars in full or swirl, as you prefer! I personally prefer to cover them all completely…maybe even twice!!!
▫️Once covered in chocolate, let them cool in the fridge and store them in there.

! ! ! E N J O Y ! ! !

🇪🇸 Spanish:


Base de galleta:
▪️1 taza de harina de almendra
▪️1 taza de proteína de vainilla en polvo
* Añadir edulcorante natural o azúcar de coco si la proteína no lleva endulzante
▪️1/4 cucharadita de sal rosa del Himalaya
▪️1/4 taza de aceite de coco derretido
▪️1 huevo ecológico (opcional)
▪️Mantequilla de coco tostado (entrar en el enlace para ver la receta de la mantequilla de coco, muy fácil y rápida de hacer!!)
Cobertura de chocolate:
▪️1 tableta de 100gr de chocolate negro 80%


▫️Pre calentar el horno a 175C.
▫️En un bol, mezclar la harina de almendra con la proteína de chocolate y la sal. Reservar.
▫️Batir los huevos con el aceite de coco. El huevo es opcional si no queréis usar el horno o si no os importa que la base de galleta quede más crujiente. Añadir a la mezcla anterior y crear una masa.
▫️Poner papel de horno en la base de una molde rectangular de unos 22cm y presionar firmemente la masa.
▫️Hornear unos 8 minutos y dejar enfriar a temperatura ambiente. Si no usáis huevo, no es necesario usar el horno y podéis colocar la base en la nevera.
▫️Si la mantequilla de coco se ha endurecido, derretirla un poco y esparcir una capa por encima de la base de galleta. Dejar en la nevera.
▫️Una vez la galleta con el coco eaten endurecidas, cortar en barritas de unos 2 cm de grosor aproximadamente. Derretir el chocolate negro y cubrir las barritas por completo o como deseéis. Yo personalmente les daría incluso dos capas de cobertura de chocolate..!!!
▫️Una vez cubiertas, colocar las barritas en la nevera y conservarlas allí.

! ! ! D I S F R U T A D L O ! ! !

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