Hi there! A little sweetness to your Monday!

This recipe can be done perfectly as a brownie in fact! I decided to have the cupcake shape though, so these are chocolate healthy cupcakes that taste like mini healthy brownies!!

healthy chocolate muffins

So these healthy cupcakes taste like brownies, so rich in chocolate and so moist thanks to the coconut milk and other healthy ingredients!! I used coconut flour and coconut milk, yet you can barely taste the coconut flavour on the mix!

They are the perfect size to have a healthy snack or healthy dessert during the day.

healthy chocolate muffins


Looking for a delicious healthy breakfast? These richly chocolate healthy cupcakes provide lots of nutrients and allow diabetics to enjoy a sweet breakfast without having to worry much about sugar spikes.

As you can read below on the recipe, these healthy cupcakes are made with healthy fat-rich ingredients such as almond butter and full fat coconut milk that will contribute to stabilise your blood sugar levels in the morning.

It is very common to see people usually eating too many carbohydrates or sugars in the first meal of the day. This fact tends to make them have higher blood glucose levels and usually makes diabetic people experience a constant hyperglycemia during the morning.

Therefore, these chocolate cupcakes provide a great option for a healthy breakfast! Try them out and let me know what you think!

healthy chocolate muffins


▪️1/2 cup coconut flour
▪️1/3 cup cacao powder 100%
▪️1/2 cup coconut sugar
▪️1/4 cup almond butter
▪️ 2 tablespoon coconut oil
▪️1 tablespoon vainilla extract
▪️ 2 organic eggs
▪️1 cup full-fat canned coconut milk (shaken, it has to be stored at room temperature since you need both the liquid and solid part of the canned milk)
▪️1/3 cup chocolate chips

▪️1 cup grass-fed butter (room temperature)
▪️1 cup cream cheese (room temperature)
▪️Stevia powder to taste
▪️1 tablespoon vanilla extract


▫️Preheat oven to 350F/175C and line a muffin tin with liners or grease with coconut oil.
▫️In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs, vanilla, almond butter, coconut milk and coconut oil.
▫️Mix in the coconut sugar, coconut flour and cacao powder until evenly combined.
▫️Optional: add chocolate chips.
▫️Add batter to the cupcake tin. In this case since I am not using any rising ingredient, the consistency will be like a brownie rather than a typical cupcake. Feel free to try differently!
▫️Bake for 25-30 minutes and allow to cool before frosting.

▫️In a bowl, beat the butter with the cream cheese. You can do it with a spatula by hand but I recommend using a hand mixer for better results.
▫️Once mixed, add the vanilla extract and stevia to taste. You can now fill a pastry bag with the icing and frost these healthy cupcakes!

! ! ! ! E N J O Y ! ! ! !

🇪🇸 Spanish:


▪️1/2 taza de harina de coco
▪️1/3 taza de cacao 100% puro en polvo
▪️1/2 taza de azúcar de coco
▪️1/4 taza de mantequilla de almendra
▪️ 2 cucharadas de aceite de coco
▪️1 cucharada de extracto de vainilla
▪️ 2 huevos ecológicos
▪️1 taza de leche de coco en lata (agitar la lata antes de abrirla, tiene que haber estado a temperatura ambiente, no separar la parte sólida de la líquida)
▪️1/3 taza de pepitas de chocolate negro

▪️1 taza de mantequilla de vacas de pasto sin sal (a temperatura ambiente)
▪️1 taza de queso crema de vacas de pasto o ecológico (a temperatura ambiente)
▪️Estevia al gusto
▪️1 cucharada de extracto de vainilla


▫️Pre calentar el horno 175C y engrasar con aceite de coco una bandeja para muffins.
▫️En un bol, batir los huevos, la vainilla, la mantequilla de almendra, la leche de coco y el aceite de coco.
▫️Añadir el azúcar de coco, la harina de coco, el cacao en polvo y mezclar todo hasta que quede bien incorporado.
▫️Una vez todo mezclado podéis añadirle las pepitas de chocolate si queréis.
▫️Verter la mezcla en cada uno de los espacios para cupcakes. En este caso no estoy usando ningún ingrediente que ayude a elevar la masa como si fuera un bizcocho, así que la consistencia será como la de un brownie en vez de la de un cupcake corriente, pero podéis probar de añadirle levadura y bicarbonato sódico!
▫️Hornear unos 25-30 minutos y dejar enfriar en una rejilla.
▫️Una vez enfriados, podéis añadirle el glaseado que queráis. En este caso yo he hecho uno de mantequilla y queso crema.

▫️En un bol, mezclar la mantequilla con el queso crema. Podéis hacerlo con la mano y una espátula pero os será mas fácil utilizar una batidora de mano.
▫️Una vez bien integrado, añadirle la vainilla y la estevia al gusto y mezclar bien. Ya podéis poner el glaseado en una manga pastelera y decorar!

! ! ! D I S F R U T A D L O ! ! !

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Hello food lovers!We created YOUR DAILY NUTRIENTS in order to share and educate with healthy recipes and Diabetic tips.To motivate you to achieve a healthy lifestyle and control your diabetes at your best!

Hello food lovers!

We created YOUR DAILY NUTRIENTS in order to share and educate with healthy recipes and Diabetic tips.

To motivate you to achieve a healthy lifestyle and control your diabetes at your best!

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