Happy Tuesday!

These vegan cashew cups are delicious and have some extra protein in them!
This is an easy no-bake treat you can enjoy every day, gluten-free, refined sugar free, dairy free and vegan!!

healthy dessert

How cute are these healthy vegan cups? Do you like cashews? I love to use cashews to make vegan goodies!

These healthy vanilla and chocolate vegan cups are very easy to make and you will only need a few ingredients. You can also use square molds or a bigger mold and cut into squares once firm.

healthy vegan dessert


One of the best healthy desserts for diabetics would be a healthy cheesecake actually… think about it. Healthy cheesecake is made with cheese or cashews, both are healthy fats with barely carbohydrates or sugars.

If you like a cookie base, it can be done with any kind of nut. And the sweetness can be added in form of coconut sugar or some kind of fruit or syrup or stevia! In this case, this healthy raw vegan vanilla and chocolate protein filling is made with a cashew-coconut-vanilla and chocolate protein powder filling!

One of these cups will be a great option when you’re craving a piece of sweet! It could also be done with cream cheese, but I like to have an option for my vegan readers! Besides, I like dairy but I try to limit my intake!

So because of the healthy fats and the lack of refined sugars in this healthy “cheesecake”, you won’t experience sugar spikes as long as you have stable blood sugar levels around 80-110 mg/dL before devouring a slice! Remember, balance is key for a healthy diabetic lifestyle so make sure your portions are moderate and at the right times!!

See you on the next post!

healthy vegan dessert


  • 2 cups or 260gr of cashews (soaked overnight or for at least 3 hours)

  • 2 tablespoons of yacon syrup

  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil

  • 3 tablespoons of canned coconut milk (the thick part)

  • 1 scoop or 30gr of chocolate protein powder

  • 1/4 cup or 20gr of cacao powder 100%


  1. In a food processor, blend cashews with yacon syrup, melted coconut oil and coconut milk.

  2. Transfer half of the batter into a bowl and add the protein powder and cacao. Mix everything until fully combined.

  3. Pour the chocolate batter into half of little cupcake molds. Refrigerate 10 minutes.

  4. Pour the other half (the one with no chocolate) on top of the chocolate layer and keep refrigerated.

* Store the vegan cups in the fridge or freezer.

! ! ! E N J O Y ! ! !

🇪🇸 Spanish:

Mini “cheesecakes” de chocolate y vainilla hechos con anacardos, muy bajos en azúcares, sin gluten, sin lácteos y veganos!!

Son fáciles de hacer y es una opción muy nutritiva para tener durante la semana cuando queráis algo dulce!


  • 2 tazas o 260gr de anacardos activados (remojados al menos 4 horas)

  • 2 cucharadas de sirope de yacón

  • 2 cucharadas de aceite de coco

  • 3 cucharadas de leche de coco en lata (la parte firme, no liquida)

  • 1 scoop o 30gr de proteína de chocolate

  • 1/4 taza o 20gr de cacao en polvo 100%


  1. En un procesador de alimentos o trituradora, triturar todos los ingredientes menos el cacao y la proteína.

  2. Una vez todo mezclado, separar en dos mitades y añadir el cacao en polvo y la proteína y en una mitad.

  3. Verter la mezcla de chocolate en los moldes, que quede por la mitad y luego completar con la otra mitad de la mezcla sin chocolate.

  4. Dejarlos en el congelador almenos 1 hora y conservarlos allí.

* Conservar en la nevera o congelador.

! ! ! D I S F R U T A D L O ! ! !

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Hello Food Lovers!We created YOUR DAILY NUTRIENTS in order to share and educate with healthy recipes and Diabetic tips.To motivate you to achieve a healthy lifestyle and control your diabetes at your best!

Hello Food Lovers!

We created YOUR DAILY NUTRIENTS in order to share and educate with healthy recipes and Diabetic tips.

To motivate you to achieve a healthy lifestyle and control your diabetes at your best!

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